Last Thursday, the new EMIG officers had their first meeting of the quarter, to discuss the upcoming year. To keep everyone else up to date on our plans, we're going to be posting our meeting minutes on the blog. We'll be posting more details as they get figured out, so check back soon!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dr. Stern's Talk
EDIT: The video has been removed at the request of Dr. Stern. If it is reposted, it will only be available for UW students.
EDIT 2: The video has been reposted. You can access it here, if you have a UW NetID.
On October 6th, we were lucky to have Dr. Susan Stern, professor and division head of emergency medicine at the University of Washington and Harborview Medical Center, give a talk to our group. Topics included reasons for choosing EM, information about the upcoming Seattle residency program, issues when applying for residency and clerkships, and other student questions.
We recorded the presentation for people who couldn't be in Seattle, and now it's available online. It includes the introduction of the new EMIG leadership, and the Q/A session at the end. See the video below!