Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Emergency Medicine Rotations

With the recent clerkship conferences for 2nd-year students, we thought we'd try to preempt a mass of e-mails re: when to do your emergency medicine rotation. Like everything else in medical school and life, it's sort of up to you.

Dr. Strote suggested that students not worry too much about ensuring that the 3rd year elective spot is last in order to take your EM rotation during that time so you can do an away rotation the first slot of 4th year. This is what was typically recommended in the past.

Instead, feel free to wait and make EM at UWMC or HMC your first rotation of the 4th year. You should also think about doing an away rotation after your 4th year EM rotation. The away rotation doesn't necessarily have to be completed prior to your ERAS but it can help to get a letter of recommendation and is recommended.

Still, in the past, Dr. Strote and others have suggested that students complete the required EM rotation AND an away EM rotation prior to submitting ERAS.

Also, the gurus in charge of arranging our track schedules are aware that EM folks typically want their 3rd year elective period last so if you say that you're planning on EM, you might have a better chance at getting it. Just a tip.


Noel Hastings said...

I did my EM rotation as the first rotation of 4th year and still had time to do 2 "away" rotations in EM, one right after the other. I did my Step 2 during my first away rotation in Salt Lake City (they have a nice test center right on campus). All worked out!

Anonymous said...

I agree. But I would also say that it is CRUCIAL to have an away rotation BEFORE the ERAS application. You need letters from away rotations. ..

Noel Hastings said...

I was able to get one away rotation done BEFORE my ERAS so letters and grades made it into application, and that away rotation was for month of September, so get them done before end of September!