Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Upcoming UW Residency Program for Emergency Medicine!

Thanks for tuning in. Yes, that is right. Remember all these talks the UW EMIG has had regarding an EM residency here at UW and Harborview. Remember showing up at late evening panel discussions as a student to show your support of EM and to help show administration that there was a large student population interested in EM? I know you did it only for the love of Emergency Medicine and NOT the great Indian food we served at those events.... Anyway. I have some new info on the upcoming UW Emergency Medicine Residency!! Yes, that is right. I just finished my EM rotation at Harborview and have a few concrete details that I am excited to share with the EMIG. Until more work is solidified on this program they don't want too much out about it as details will probably change, but I do know that our new residency will be a 4-year program with an academic focus. Their are now 7 EM board certified docs at Harborview, one of which is possibly the new EM Residency director. She told me that she is very motivated to put this program together right so that fomr day one we come off the starting line making a very strong and positive impression on the world of academic EM. This is all still a few years away, but your involvement as students has HELP MOVE THIS FORWARD. Thank you all for being a part of EMIG these past years and all you new students for helping in the upcoming years. Although I don't have a lot more detail, I think this was some good, solid "in the trenches" info and it has me hopeful. There is also talk of having attendings rotate both at UW and Harborview to bring some more unity to the program which I think would be great. Anyway, feel free to leave comments on this blog post and let us all know how you feel about this and what you hope to see in the coming years! - Noel Hastings

ACEP & EMRA Student Membership & Facebook!?

This is a quick reminder that planning for an Emergency Medicine residency and career has many steps that can be taken. Not all necessary, but many helpful. One of the most helpful I have found is membership in the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). They have a special student rate and when becoming a member you also get free Emergency Medicine Resident's Assocaition (EMRA) membership. These two groups have a lot of fabulous resources for medical students interested in Emergency Medicine. One of the most helpful for me has been the annual residency fairs where programs from all over the country get together at a national conference and chat with you. You get some sweet trauma sheers, Frisbees, carabiners and all sorts of EM branded goodies, but most of all you get the face to face time with program directors and current residents. The next upcoming residency fair is in Chicago at the end of October during the Scientific Assembly. (Follow the links in this blog posting for more details on all this. Remember, these posts to the blog go out in email to the list, but sometimes the links don't translate to email).

Recently ACEP and EMRA have added some new PR to their repertoire which was quite alternative. FACEBOOK! Yep.... even if you are not a member yet, cruise over to their new ACEP Facebook site. They are really excited to get new members and students involved and they are giving away a SWEET T-SHIRT to people that post on their wall, but supplies are very limited. check out the photo to the right. While you are there, check out the EMRA Facebook site too. Here in the Pacific Northwest we are very limited in our exposure to the specialty of Emergency Medicine and although we have worked hard these past years trying to improve that, this is yet another way to connect and contact EM people out in the rest of the country. I have met many of the people you see on these Facebook pages at national conferences and all are very cool. When it comes to residency applications, every time your name and face show up it helps get you remembered. So, check out the new pages if you have time and get yourself a sweet new shirt. -Noel Hastings