Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Emergency Medicine Rotations

With the recent clerkship conferences for 2nd-year students, we thought we'd try to preempt a mass of e-mails re: when to do your emergency medicine rotation. Like everything else in medical school and life, it's sort of up to you.

Dr. Strote suggested that students not worry too much about ensuring that the 3rd year elective spot is last in order to take your EM rotation during that time so you can do an away rotation the first slot of 4th year. This is what was typically recommended in the past.

Instead, feel free to wait and make EM at UWMC or HMC your first rotation of the 4th year. You should also think about doing an away rotation after your 4th year EM rotation. The away rotation doesn't necessarily have to be completed prior to your ERAS but it can help to get a letter of recommendation and is recommended.

Still, in the past, Dr. Strote and others have suggested that students complete the required EM rotation AND an away EM rotation prior to submitting ERAS.

Also, the gurus in charge of arranging our track schedules are aware that EM folks typically want their 3rd year elective period last so if you say that you're planning on EM, you might have a better chance at getting it. Just a tip.

New EM Residency Programs

The ACGME approved the following programs for Emergency Medicine residencies and they are accepting applications for matriculation in July 2009:

  1. Case Western Reserve University
  2. Lehigh Valley Hospital
  3. St. Louis University
  4. University of Toledo

Friday, November 21, 2008

EM Books Available

We now have multiple copies of the EMRA* - The Medical Student Survival Guide. We put two copies in the ICM office and two copies in the student lounge for your perusal. Please don't steal them. If you must take one home, please do so for just ONE night and then return it.

The book is all about emergency medicine and will tell you just about all you want to know about EM. I've read it and found it very insightful. If you join ACEP/EMRA* as a student member, I believe you get a hard copy for free. Click on the title to learn more about it.

*EMRA - "Emergency Medicine Residents' Association" is associated with ACEP - "American College of Emergency Physicians"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

FYI - EMIG is now official!!

Last week, the Emergency Medicine Interest Group become a registered/recognized student organization at the University of Washington. What does this mean? Well, not a whole lot other than "legitimizing" our interest group and making it easier for us to schedule activities on campus and possibly receive more funding for various events.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Activity Summary - Why Emergency Medicine?

I'd say our first activity was a big success. For a Thursday evening after a long week, we had a good turnout. Dr. Jared Strote shared with us some common reasons why people choose or don't choose EM. Here's a quick synopsis:

Pros about EM:

  • Diagnostician
  • Energy/Excitement
  • Patient Relationships
  • Schedule
  • See everything
  • Public health/safety net
  • Procedures
  • Cool extras
Cons about EM:
  • Generalist
  • Patient Relationships
  • Schedule
  • Intensity/Social ills
  • Burnout
  • Disrespect
As you probably noticed, some of the pros are also cons. It all depends on who you are and what appeals to you. Also, I found the burnout thing interesting. Dr. Strote suggested that although people will tell you about the "burnout" after you've told them you're interested in EM, burnout really isn't seen among EM trained physicians. Much of the myth is perpetuated from surgeons and medicine physicians who left their field and decided to do EM.

The other thing he emphasized is "Don't go into EM for the lifestyle!" Do what's best for you and what fits your personality.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Activity - Thursday Nov. 6 --- "Why EM?"

Our first activity for fall quarter 2008 will be a panel discussion on why people should (or should not) choose emergency medicine as a career choice. Come listen, ask questions, get dinner, etc.

Time - Thursday Nov. 6 @ 5:30 p.m.
Place - T-550 Health Sciences
Food - Pizza