Sunday, January 18, 2009

AAEM Scientific Assembly - March 2-4, 2009 -- Student Track

Free Registration at the AAEM Scientific Assembly! This is the only Scientific Assembly in emergency medicine designed especially for board certified emergency physicians. The 15th annual conference is set for March 2-4, 2009, in Phoenix. In 2000, AAEM added its first “resident track” to the conference, and students planned their own session in 2007. These sessions continue to grow and receive enthusiastic reviews. We’re planning even more for 2009. The student track will be held on Sunday, March 1st, from 1:00 to 4:00PM, and it is free! Registration for the Scientific Assembly itself requires a $50 refundable deposit for members and $100 for non-members which will go towards 2009 dues.

The student section has planned a fun and informative day. The first two hours will be geared towards the application process. We will have a program director panel comprised of osteopathic and allopathic physicians from various regions of the US. During the third hour, we are excited to announce that Dr. Joe Lex from Temple University will be lecturing about a surviving a long career in emergency medicine. In the final hour, Dr. Bentley Bobrow from the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, will be speaking about current research in resuscitation.

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